%matplotlib inline
MARI4600/BIO5600: Ecosystem Modelling for Aquaculture (Dalhousie University)
For the labs in this course you will need 3 programs (sometimes 4):
In most labs, you will be required to read along the Lab manual and copy-paste code from the lab manual into Spyder to run it. This will create output in the form of numbers, graphs, maps, etc. Every once in a while you will need to answer questions, which are written inside orange boxes like the one below. The questions need to be answered in the corresponding Brightspace LAB quiz. So you will be jumping back and forth between the Lab manual, Spyder and the LAB quiz throughout the lab.
Lets do a test question...
Data, code and the results produced by the code can be stored in many places, including "the cloud" (e.g. BrightSpace, your OneDrive, GitHub, a website, etc) and physical computers including the computer that you are working on at this moment. Additionally, within your computer, data and code can be stored in the hard-drive, in memory and on the screen.
Note that:
We will see below how to move code (and data) between all these storage areas (i.e. memory, hard-drive, screen, cloud). keeping track of where is your code/data stored, is one of the most common sources of errors during coding.
is a free "bundle" of Python and many modules, libraries and other programs commonly used in scientific research. Anaconda
was preinstalled in all Lab computers; however, if you want to follow along in your own laptop, you can install Anaconda (make sure you download the version with Python 3.8) from here: https://www.anaconda.com/products/individual#Downloads
Note that when you installed Anaconda
, a lot of code was copied from "The Cloud" into your hard-drive, in a location that we will call "the Python Directory". The actual location of "the Python Directory" is not important to us in this course. However if you are curious and try to find it, just make sure that you DO NOT move, delete or add anything within "the Python Directory"! You can break Python's proper functioning.
Spyder is a free "Integrated Development Environment" that comes included in Anaconda
and that is especially designed to work with Python.
Note that when you open Spyder, behind the scenes a bunch of code was loaded into memory from "the Python Directory" (i.e. hard-drive).
The Spyder screen is divided in multiple panels. The two most important are the Console and the Editor.
The Console (also known as the interpreter) is a live instance of Python. It is the most direct way to connect your computer's memory (i.e. where python is loaded) to your screen. This is the place where Python will display error messages, warnings, and some code output. The Console is also where you can quickly interact with Python by writing code and then clicking [Enter] (note that when you click [Enter], anything you wrote on the Console will be loaded to memory and executed immediately). Let's try it:
Type the following code in the Console, then press [Enter]
print('hello world!')
hello world!
In the top right corner (usually) Spyder will show you its working directory.
The working directory is the location in your computer where Python is reading and writing files.
When you are working on a lab that requires ancillary data files or ancillary python code files, you need to make sure these files are in the working directory. You can download them directly to the working directory, or you can change the working directory to be folder where you downloaded your files.
To change the working directory, simply chick on the "folder" icon and select the new location. When you execute Python code with instructions to write data or figure to a file, this file will be save in the working directory.
You can also see the location of the working directory by typing in the Console the following (then press [Enter]):
'C:\\Users\\Diego\\Documents\\2.Marine Ecology\\aquaculture-modelling\\Week1'
The Editor is the space where you write your code so that you can execute it later. The Editor is shown below inside the green box.
The Editor is just a text editor like Notepad (in Windows) or TextEdit (in Mac). However, note that Spyder's Editor color-codes your text so that it can be read with ease. It will also perform some basic quality control and will tell you if you made a mistake (more on this later).
You can run the code you wrote in the editor by clicking on the "run" button (i.e. green triangular button shown below).
Note that the first time you run your code the Editor will prompt you to save your file. You can name your file anything you want, but the extension will be automatically set as .py
, which is the default extension for Python files. Also note that, by default, you will be prompt to save your file in the current working directory.
After you write some code in the Editor, note that clicking the "save" button technically transfers code from the Screen into a file in your hard-drive. Also, if you click the "run" button, it automatically saves your code and then loads it into memory for execution.
Lets do a test. Type the following in the Editor and click
print('hello world!')
hello world!
As you see, when you run the code in the Editor, the output is displayed in the Console
When you need to install additional Python modules or libraries, you will need the Terminal. To open it (if you are in Windows), search in the task bar for "Anaconda Prompt", it should look like this:
If you are a Mac user, you can simply use Mac's built it terminal, instead of the "Anaconda promot".
We will use the Terminal a bit later (at the end of this lab). For now, you can close Terminal, we'll open it again when we need it.
Comments are lines of text meant to be read ONLY by humans (i.e. the computer ignores these lines). Comments usually contain annotations and additional information to make easier to understand the code to the programmer. Comments are preceded by a # (hashtag)
A Statement is a line of text read by the computer. This is "the code". A statement contains instructions for the computer to do a simple task
Take a look to the sequence of statements below:
# This is a Comment because it is preceded by a # (hashtag)
a = 2
# Lets print our variables to screen
print(a) # Note that comments can be written after a statement (but not before)
to be equal to 2a
to screen. After the statement, there is another comment If you copy-paste the code above to the Spyder's Editor and click [run], it will print a 2
to the console.
A Variable is a user-defined label that can be used to name anything. For example, in the statement above (a = 2
) "a" is a variable. You can name variables anything you want (no punctuation thought), for example:
my_cute_variable = 35
Note that it is a good practice to choose variable names that describe what is stored within the variable.
Also note that you can use Spyder's Variable explorer to see what variables are currently loaded into memory.
In every computer language there are many data types. Each data type behaves under different rules, thus it is important to always be aware of what data type each statement is working with. Below are some of the most common data types used in Python:
Integers are "round" numbers (i.e. no decimal point)
my_int = 2
Floats are numbers with a decimal point
my_float = 2.3
Strings are letters. Note that you need to wrap the content of the string within quotes to tell Python they are a string
# You can use single quotes ' or double quotes " to create strings
my_string_1 = 'hello'
my_string_2 = "2.3"
hello 2.3
Note that even though "2.3" is a number, it will be treated by Python as "letters". Therefore you won't be able to do math with "2.3"
Adding an integer plus a float yields a float
my_int + my_float
... but, operations between strings and floats (or integers) is not allowed and therefore if you try to do this operation, Python will yield an ERROR
my_float + my_string_1
--------------------------------------------------------------------------- TypeError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-156-47d68115815b> in <module> ----> 1 my_float + my_string_1 TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for +: 'float' and 'str'
"Summing" two strings simply concatenates them together:
my_string_1 + my_string_2
Everything in Python is an object! Even the basic data types are objects: Integers are "Integer Objects", floats are "Float Objects" etc. Each type of object behaves under its own set of rules, therefore it is ESSENTIAL to be aware of what type of object is each of your variables.
We already talked about the sometimes called "primitive objects" (i.e. integers, floats, strings), however python comes included with some more advanced objects (e.g. lists and dictionaries). Also, when you install new modules, often they come with their own objects (each with their own rules).
Following a "cooking analogy", I like to think "primitive objects" as types of raw ingredients (e.g. liquid, powder, solid) and the more advanced objects can be thought as containers (e.g. bag, basket, jar, shelf).
If you don't know what type of object is a variable, just type type(variableName)
, for example:
my_var = 12.8
Lists are similar to "cell-arrays" in Matlab. "Lists" are great when you just want to append items at the end of the list, but you don't care too much about retrieving a particular item within the list.
Let's do a "list"
my_list = [2,5,8,7,1,2,7]
[2, 5, 8, 7, 1, 2, 7]
To see if a variable is a list
, you can also use type
. See below:
To access an item within the list, type its index within square brackets:
Note that in Python, the first index is zero!
Negative indices are counted backwards from the last item:
To access several items within the list, use a colon (i.e. :)
[8, 7]
[2, 5, 8]
[1, 2, 7]
Note that you can put anything you want in a list (i.e. not only integers). For example:
my_other_list = ['a','5',8,'b',1,2.88,7,'x']
[2.88, 7, 'x']
Dictionaries are similar to "structure-arrays" in Matlab. A "Dictionary" stores items in a way that resembles a dictionary. You look up a "keyword" (e.g. "apple") and your immediately get the contents (i.e. "Red round fruit that tastes good").
Dictionaries are great to quickly find a specific item within the dictionary.
Lets make a dictionary:
my_dict = {'name':'Juan', 'age':27, 'gender':'male'}
{'name': 'Juan', 'age': 27, 'gender': 'male'}
To see if a variable is a Dictionary
, you can also use type
. See below:
Let's query the dictionary using the keywords:
Functions and methods are how you "do stuff" in Python. With one line of code you can do things like calculate a mean, or do a plot, or do a complicated statistical analysis. In essence, both functions and methods are code that accept an "input", do something to the input, and spits out an "output". The only thing you need to know and remember is the name of the function (or method). Arguably, learning Python is mostly learning the names of the available functions and methods.
Functions are used following the "nomenclature" below:
We already used a few functions above, namely the "print" function...
print('hello world!')
hello world!
...and the "type" function
In both case the output was simply displayed to screen, which happens when you do not specify what to do with the output. Below are a few examples where the output is saved to a variable:
First lets do a list... and then apply some functions to it.
mylist = [4,7,2,9,6,3,7,8,5,10]
# Calcualte the sum
In the case above, FunctionName is sum
, input is mylist
, and output is 61
# Figure out the maximum of a list
a = max(mylist)
In the case above, FunctionName is max
, input is mylist
, and output is a
# Figure out the minimum of a list
# Get the "length" of a list
# Get the "type" of Object
Methods are similar to functions, but they follow a different "nomenclature":
The arguments are additional information sometimes required by the method.
Note that before you can "apply" MethodName to the input object, we first need to create the input object.
For example...
# First we create a "list" object
mylist = [4,7,2,9,6,3,3,8,5,10]
# Then, this appends the number "2" to the end of mylist
[4, 7, 2, 9, 6, 3, 3, 8, 5, 10, 2]
Here the number 2 in the parenthesis is an argument.
Let do some more...
# This finds the number "7" in mylist, and removes it
[4, 2, 9, 6, 3, 3, 8, 5, 10, 2]
#This sorts mylist. Note that this method does not require any arguments, thus the parenthesis are left empty ()
[2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10]
#This finds the number "5" in mylist and returns its index
By now you probably figured out that each object type (e.g. lists or dictionaries) has its own built in methods
. Use Google to find out the available methods for a particular object type. For example, if you want to see the available methods for "list" objects, Google: python methods list
So far we used some of the built-in functions of Python (e.g. type
, len
, max
), as well as some methods of Python's built-in objects (e.g. methods of the list
object); however, there are A LOT MORE!. You can import functions and objects (with its associated methods) from external "modules" (or "packages")... therefore you have thousands of functions and methods at your disposal.
To be able to use a "module", you first need to (1) install the module, and then you need to (2) import the module.
When you "install" a module, behind the scenes the module's code is downloaded from the cloud and written in the default "Python Directory" in your hard-drive. This step only needs to be done once. The module will remained installed in your hard-drive "forever" (or until you decide to uninstall it).
When you "import" a module, behind the scenes the module's code is loaded into Memory (from the default "Python Directory" where it was installed in step 1). This step needs to be done every time you run the program that needs the module. Conveniently, you can simply use an import
statement at the beginning of your code so the required module is loaded automatically every time you run your code.
When you install Anaconda
, the Anaconda installer "installs" Python and also "installs" a bunch of commonly used modules. Therefore you can simply import
them and use them right away. Below is an example about how to import the Module math
and use one of its functions (note that we'll learn how to "install" new modules at the end of this lab).
# First import the module "math"
import math
# Then use the function "sin" within the module "math"
When using a function from an imported module, you need to add the module name to the function name. Thus the "nomenclature" is slightly modified as shown below:
To execute Python code, you can (1) write code in the Editor and click , or (2) you can write code in the Console and click [Enter]. The question is when do you use the Editor and when do you use the Console?
When you use Editor you most save your code in a .py
file before you can it. The advantage of this is that you can re-use your code at a later date. Simply open your .py
file and it again!
Use the Editor to write self-contained code (i.e. scripts or little programs) that you may want to re-use a later date. Examples of these self-contained scripts are shown in the real-life case studies below.
The Console is the quickest way to enter code into Python's "memory" and the quickest way to query or inspect something that is already in Python's "memory". The drawback is that code written in Console quickly dissapears as you write new code... or when you turn off Spyder or your computer. Code written in the **Console** is not very re-usable. Therefore, use the Console when you need to do "one-offs".
In the real-life case studies below we'll use both, the Editor and the Console. To make things easier...
Up to here, everything probably sounds easy, but not really that useful. Lets put it all together in a real-life application using 1 function and 1 method.
There is an autonomous buoy in the Columbia River (Oregon, USA) that broadcasts real-time ocean data via the following server: http://columbia.loboviz.com/
![]() |
![]() |
The following code connects to the buoy's server, downloads data, and makes a simple plot.
In Spyder's Editor open a new file and save it as buoy.py. Copy-paste the code below to your new file and click
# Import Pandas module
import pandas as pd
# Define URL buoy
URL = 'http://columbia.loboviz.com/cgi-data/nph-data.cgi?x=date&y=temperature&min_date=20180820&max_date=20180907&node=32&data_format=text'
# Read data from buoy
buoy_data = pd.read_csv(URL,sep='\t',header=2)
# Do quick plot
buoy_data.plot(x='date [PST]',y='temperature [C]', rot=90)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1f0d754cb20>
To see the plot you just made, click on the "Plot" tab (beside your "Variable explorer"). See below...
import pandas as pd
Here we imported the pandas
module, which is a fantastic data analysis library (learn more: http://pandas.pydata.org/ ). Note that we also "nicknamed" the module pd
so that we don't have to write the long name "pandas" before each function.
URL = 'http://columbia.loboviz.com/cgi-data/nph-data.cgi?x=date&y=temperature&min_date=20180820&max_date=20180907&node=32&data_format=text'
Here we assigned a string to a new variable that we decided to call URL
. Note that if you just copy-paste the full url into a browser, you would actually display the data in your browser as text. Of course, the tricky part is to figure out what url to query?... It is not hard, but I'll show you how to do this in another lab.
buoy_data = pd.read_csv(URL,sep='\t',header=2)
This line queries the server, downloads the data and puts it into a new variable that we called buoy_data
. Below is the breakdown:
(this specifies that the .csv file uses tabs as separators instead of commas)header=2
(this specifies that the first 2 rows are headers)buoy_data
So, we used 2 arguments in this example (i.e. sep
and header
), but how do we know what arguments are available and how to use them?
ANSWER: Google the function name (i.e. Google: pd.read_csv
Note that the output, buoy_data
, is a pandas DataFrame object. We'll talk more about this below.
buoy_data.plot(x='date [PST]',y='temperature [C]', rot=90)
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1f0d75df460>
Here we applied the method plot to the pandas DataFrame object buoy_data. The output is a plot!
Before we do anything with our newly downloaded data, lets take a minute to examine our code...
Making a quick plot is useful, but we likely also want to look at the actual data. Lets start by inspecting what type of object is buoy_data
As I said above, buoy_data, is a pandas DataFrame object (a pandas.core.frame.DataFrame to be specific). It is very similar to the core DataFrame in R. If you are not familiar with R, a good way to describe a pandas DataFrame is a table like an Excel spread-sheet, with rows and columns.
To actually take look into buoy_data, simply :
date [PST] | temperature [C] | |
0 | 2018-08-20 00:00:00 | 22.31 |
1 | 2018-08-20 01:00:00 | 22.29 |
2 | 2018-08-20 02:00:00 | 22.24 |
3 | 2018-08-20 03:00:00 | 22.18 |
4 | 2018-08-20 04:00:00 | 22.13 |
... | ... | ... |
451 | 2018-09-07 19:00:00 | 20.21 |
452 | 2018-09-07 20:00:00 | 20.18 |
453 | 2018-09-07 21:00:00 | 20.16 |
454 | 2018-09-07 22:00:00 | 20.18 |
455 | 2018-09-07 23:00:00 | 20.29 |
456 rows × 2 columns
This shows you the top and bottom of the table as well as some descriptors (e.g. 192 rows × 2 columns). If you only want to show the first few rows, apply the method .head to the buoy_data object:
date [PST] | temperature [C] | |
0 | 2018-08-20 00:00:00 | 22.31 |
1 | 2018-08-20 01:00:00 | 22.29 |
2 | 2018-08-20 02:00:00 | 22.24 |
3 | 2018-08-20 03:00:00 | 22.18 |
4 | 2018-08-20 04:00:00 | 22.13 |
Similarly you can show only the end of the table by applying the .tail method to the buoy_data object:
date [PST] | temperature [C] | |
451 | 2018-09-07 19:00:00 | 20.21 |
452 | 2018-09-07 20:00:00 | 20.18 |
453 | 2018-09-07 21:00:00 | 20.16 |
454 | 2018-09-07 22:00:00 | 20.18 |
455 | 2018-09-07 23:00:00 | 20.29 |
Instead of referring to the entire table (buoy_data), you can just refer to one column. The table is a Python dictionary where the "header" of each column is the dictionary key which will return the entire column. For example, to refer ONLY to the temperature column, :
buoy_data['temperature [C]']
0 22.31 1 22.29 2 22.24 3 22.18 4 22.13 ... 451 20.21 452 20.18 453 20.16 454 20.18 455 20.29 Name: temperature [C], Length: 456, dtype: float64
Lets calculate the average temperature by applying the .mean method only to the 'temperature [C]' column:
buoy_data['temperature [C]'].mean()
Similarly, you can calculate the minimum, maximum, median, standard deviation, mode, etc...
buoy_data['temperature [C]'].min()
buoy_data['temperature [C]'].max()
buoy_data['temperature [C]'].median()
buoy_data['temperature [C]'].std()
buoy_data['temperature [C]'].mode()
0 20.12 dtype: float64
![]() |
![]() |
The code below pulls data from a glider currently deployed off the coast of Nova Scotia (http://gliders.oceantrack.org/). The code also does a simple quality control and makes a rough depth-vs-time scatter plot.
In Spyder open a new file, name it glider.py, copy-paste the code below and click .
# Import Pandas module
import pandas as pd
# Define URL of glider
URL = 'http://gliders.oceantrack.org/data/live/otn201_sci_water_temp_live.csv'
# Read data from glider server
glider_data = pd.read_csv(URL,sep=',')
# Quality Control: Filter out data above 40oC and below -8oC
glider_data = glider_data[(glider_data.sci_water_temp < 40) & (glider_data.sci_water_temp > -8)]
# Make a scatter plot
<matplotlib.axes._subplots.AxesSubplot at 0x1f0d55ca8b0>
The left side of the graph shows the data collected at the beginning of the deployment. The right side of the graph shows the most recently collected data. The top of the graph shows the temperature close to the surface (0 m) while data points at the bottom of the graph represent temperature near the bottom (~150 m).
Take a look inside glider_data
unixtime | lat | lon | depth | sci_water_temp | |
0 | 1.469369e+09 | 48.337975 | -64.175423 | 0.000000 | 0.0000 |
1 | 1.469369e+09 | 48.337438 | -64.171928 | 90.088686 | 0.9753 |
2 | 1.469369e+09 | 48.337437 | -64.171921 | 90.123090 | 0.9856 |
3 | 1.469369e+09 | 48.337436 | -64.171909 | 90.179436 | 0.9772 |
4 | 1.469369e+09 | 48.337435 | -64.171897 | 90.240740 | 0.9767 |
Tough question: What is the maximum depth recorded in this dataset? Hint: Apply the .max method on the "depth" column.
More tough questions:
Before we do our last "Real-life case study", we need to install 3 modules that do not come pre-installed with Anaconda
. There are several ways to install Python modules and libraries, here we will use conda
. Note that normally you only need to install a module once (it will remain installed until you manually remove it). However, because the lab computers are wiped out clean every night, you may need to install the same module several times during this course. Lets install 3 modules (i.e. netcdf4, cartopy and cmocean). I'll explain what these modules do later.
, type in the Terminal: cartopy
, type in the Terminal:cmocean
, type in the Terminal:Done! The new modules are now installed (again, I'll explain how to use these new modules below).
ERDDAP is a data server that simplifies the download of subsets of scientific datasets to make graphs and maps (We'll learn more about ERDDAP in another lab).
Here we will be using one of NOAA's ERDDAP: https://coastwatch.pfeg.noaa.gov/erddap/info/index.html?page=1&itemsPerPage=2000
If you haven't installed netcdf4
, catopy
and cmocean
yet.... take a look at the section above.
First, lets get ourselves some Sea Surface Temperature (SST) from the Nova Scotia region. For this we will use an ERDDAP product consisting on 6-month averages of several POES satellites.
In Spyder's Editor open a new file and save it as satellite.py
. Copy-paste the code below and click
Note that the code below is pretty much "the real deal". It is as complicated as it gets with Python, yet it is just a series of statements declaring variables and applying functions and methods. Note that, by convention, at the top of the file you import all the modules you need.
import urllib.request
import netCDF4
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import cartopy.crs as ccrs
import cartopy.feature as cfeature
import cmocean
# Define the spatial and temporal box of interest
year = 2015
month = 8
minlat = 38
maxlat = 48
minlon = -67
maxlon = -50
isub = 0.5
# Make "minday" and "maxday" strings by concatenating several pieces
minday = str(year)+'-'+str(month).zfill(2)+'-11T12:00:00Z'
maxday = str(year)+'-'+str(month+1).zfill(2)+'-11T12:00:00Z'
# Create the URL
url = base_url+query
# Download data and store it in a NetCDF file
urllib.request.urlretrieve (url, filename)
# open NetCDF data
nc = netCDF4.Dataset(filename)
ncv = nc.variables
# Extract variables of interest from inside the NetCDF file
lon = ncv['longitude'][:]
lat = ncv['latitude'][:]
sst = ncv['sst'][0,0,:,:]
# Make grids of lats and lons for later use to make maps
lons, lats = np.meshgrid(lon,lat)
#%% Create map (PlateCarree Projection)
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13,13)) # Create figure
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.PlateCarree()) # Create axis within figure (with projection)
ax.pcolormesh(lons, lats, sst, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree()) # Add colormap to axis (specifying projection of data)
ax.coastlines(resolution='10m') # Add coastline to axis
<cartopy.mpl.feature_artist.FeatureArtist at 0x1f0d56a0100>
Take a look at the generated map. You can see the Gulf Stream in the south (bottom of the graph), which has temperatures in excess of 25$^\circ$C. You can also see that in the Bay of Fundy (Nova Scotia) the temperature is cold (about 13$^\circ$C), likely because the extreme tides cause a lot of vertical mixing which brings cold water to the surface.
What do you think is the average temperature in the whole map?
Luckily this is easy to find by applying the .mean method to out Sea Surface Temperature data (sst):
Lets see if you can figure out what are the minimum and the maximum temperatures is sst.
Lets do another map, this time using a "Lamber Conformal Conic Projection". Luckily, you can use the same data (i.e. no need to download data again), and simply create the new map with the new projection.
In this map I added some extra labels, colorbar and shadeRelief.
We'll only use this map once, thus and click [Enter].
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#%% Create map (LambertConformal Projection)
# Create figure
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(13,13))
# Create axis within figure (with projection)
ax = plt.axes(projection=ccrs.LambertConformal(central_longitude=(maxlon+minlon)/2, central_latitude=(maxlat+minlat)/2))
# Add colormap to axis (specifying projection of data)
cs = ax.pcolormesh(lons, lats, sst, cmap=cmocean.cm.thermal, transform=ccrs.PlateCarree())
# Add colorbar
cbar = fig.colorbar(cs, shrink=0.6, orientation='vertical', extend='both')
# Add legend to colorbar
cbar.set_label('Sea Surface Temperature ($^\circ$C)')
# Add land to axis
ax.add_feature(cfeature.NaturalEarthFeature(category='physical', scale='10m',facecolor='none', name='coastline'),
edgecolor='#666666', facecolor='#bfbfbf')
# Add gridlines to axis
# Add title to figure
plt.title('Satellite SST (Monthly composite for '+str(year)+'/'+str(month)+')')
Text(0.5, 1.0, 'Satellite SST (Monthly composite for 2015/8)')
We will have a more in depth Lab about making maps with Cartopy. In the mean time, feel free to explore other projections and make some extra maps. Here are some Galleries:
# Loads css file and applies it to lab HTML
from IPython.core.display import HTML
def css():
style = open("../css/custom.css", "r").read()
return HTML(style)