Basemap and grid files

Every projects requires a .basemap and .grid files. The .basemap file contains the “background” map with boundaries, bathymetry and other features. The .grid file contains metadata about the grid properties.

We recommend to place the .basemap and .grid files in the /grids/ directory, so that they can be re-used by many projects. However you can also place them within the project directory for one-off use.

Instructions on how to make the .basemap and .grid files are made usually located in a file, which calls the actual fuction that makes the basemap, make_basemap

The example below shows teh contents of a very simple file.

import ship_mapper as sm

# Make info object
info =

# Define items in info
info.grid.region = 'Maritimes'
info.grid.basemap = 'basemap_sidebar'
info.grid.type = 'generic' # opsions: 'one-off' OR 'generic'
info.grid.bin_size = 0.01 # Degrees
info.grid.minlat = 39.9
info.grid.maxlat = 48.3
info.grid.minlon = -69
info.grid.maxlon = -54.7
info.grid.epsg_code = '4326'

info.maps.resolution = 'i'
info.maps.parallels = 1 # Deegres between lines
info.maps.meridians = 1# Deegres between lines
info.maps.scalebar_km = 150

m = sm.make_basemap(info, [info.grid.minlat,
                           info.grid.maxlon], sidebar=True)