
It is recommended to run ship_mapper in an Anaconda environment.

You will need to install a couple of dependencies that do not install by default when installing Anaconda:

Install basemap and basemap-data-hires mapping libraries.

In console…

conda install -c conda-forge basemap basemap-data-hires

Install netcdf4 to be able to work with .nc files

In console…

conda install -c anaconda netcdf4

Install git

conda install git

Then, install ship_mapper

Method 1

Use pip to install directly from github

pip install git+

Method 2

Download repository, then execute the following in terminal (or anaconda promt):

python install

or if you want to be able to manipulate the modules code without having to re-install between changes…

python develop


If you are using SPYDER IDE, you should dissable inline plotting: Go to Tools > Preferences > IPython console > Graphics …and change the Backend to “automatic”

Updating ship_mapper

If you want to update to the newest version, first…

pip uninstall ship_mapper


pip install git+