Project data onto grid

The functions in this section are the core of ship_mapper. They trasform data organized in two column (one of latitudes and another of logitudes), into data organized in a 2-dimessional grid. The functions herein basically count the number of “pings” of a vessel occurring inside each grid-cell.

The main two fucntions are:

  1. gridder: Counts “pings” inside a grid-cell and computes “Ship minutes per km2”
  2. gridder.gridder_pingsPerCell: Counts “pings” inside a gridcell and computes “No. of vessels within grid-cell”


import ship_mapper as sm

info = sm.load_info('1_run')

# Filter and grid all input files
for file_in in sm.get_all_files(info.dirs.data_nc):

    # Get file name
    file_name = sm.get_filename_from_fullpath(file_in)

    # Filter data (spatial trimmer)
    filtered_data = sm.spatial_filter(file_in, info)

    # Project "dots" into a grid
    sm.gridder(info, filtered_data, file_name, overwrite=True)