
ship_mapper.make_info_from_GridData(calling_file='.', run_name=None, region=None, basemap=None, grid_type='generic', data_name=None)[source]

Makes info object and populates its metadata from .basemap and .grid files

Keyword Arguments:
  • calling_file (str) – Usually this is __file__, which returns the full path and name of the calling file
  • run_name (str) – Usually the name of the script file
  • region (str) – Name of region
  • basemap (str) – Name of basemap
  • grid_type (str) – If 'generic' grid is located in the grid directory. If 'one-off' grid is located in the project directory
  • data_name (str) – Name of dataset (e.g. AIS_CCG or VMS_DFO)

Info object

Return type:
